Navigating Deadlock Challenges in Real-World Scenarios

Deadlock problems in software often occur when two processes are trying to write into one resource at the same time, causing both to fail. This can be likened to two buyers trying to purchase the last product at the same time, both failing because they try to update the product data simultaneously.

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Change your perspective on code review

What is code review and how to adapt your team to it, how to approach a code review, what to look for and how other big companies do it.

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Step-by-step Guide to Deploy Your PHP API on Google Cloud using Kubernetes and Docker

Learn how to deploy your API using Kubernetes and Google Cloud, using free tier services you will be able to deploy your own code in a instance.

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The PHP library for smoother file uploads

This library will let you handle file uploads in your PHP projects as an expert, no matter the framework you use.

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How to start contributing in open-source.

This article is meant to tell you how easy it is to start contributing on public repositories and get feedback from people with a lot of experience.

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Loading environment values into PHP classes

Load environment variables with this library into php classes, easy to use and test, you can easily contribute to this open source project, code logic is very small and there is no learning curve.

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Loading environment values into go Structs

Load environment variables with this library into go structs, easy to use and test, you can easily contribute to this open source project, code logic is very small and there is no learning curve.

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CQRS explained with examples

CQRS architecture allows for the separation of command and query logic, enabling independent optimization and potentially improving system performance and scalability.

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How to make a one-year plan to become a developer

Step by step plan on how to achieve and become a developer ending up having a job.

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Serverless architecture

Serverless architecture is used for easy tasks that you don't have to have the whole process of deployement and maintainance.

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Layered Architecture Style

Layered Architecture Style is used where you want to have separations of concers.

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Using Mutex in GO on a real world project.

You will learn how the mutex library helps you prevent some of the issues in concurrent world.

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Kodi i pastër dhe çka duhet të konsideroni

Çka është kodi i pastër dhe si e efekton karrieren tënde si një programer profesional.

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Principet SOLID dhe si të aplikojmë ato në kod

Krijoni një bazë të fortë në programim duke mësuar SOLID principet, me shembuj ne PHP.

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